Black eyed Bean Barley Dill Soup

Life gets so hectic and consuming sometimes that there is no time to think of anything beyond ourselves. So it is refreshing to take a break once in a while from the monotony and look at things from a fresh perspective.  Thankfully I had this opportunity in the form of beach side vacation during the last week of December.   I spent most of the time at the beach riveting away from the narrow foci of my life and pondering over things much higher than myself.  Whenever I sit by the beach, looking at the water, listening to the sound of…

Microwave Wheat Ladoos (Churmundo, Churma Laddu)

With buildings, retail stores, restaurants, homes, palm trees sprawled on either side of the road the drive pretty much seemed the usual. The weather seemed perfect not too hot or too cold and the visitors scrambled along trying to make the most of this beautiful day.  As we drove along the road for 5 more miles the dearth of the stores, homes, and people reduced while we saw big mounds of white sand with patches of dead moss and grass strewn all over.   It was still nothing out of the ordinary until we parked the car on one of the…

Eggless Raisin Cake

 It was whirlwind of activities, planning, packing, last minute cooking etc ever since Dear Husband planned a beach side vacation for the family 2 weeks ago. Everything fit right in, the hotel reservations, travel arrangements, time off from work, the temperature.  The vacation was just what the doctor had ordered to get away from the usual grind and seemed like a glorious way to end the year 2007. Both me and my husband love munching on stuff, chatting, listening to music, enjoying views during long drives and so I always make it a point to carry lots of goodies and…