Avarekalu is the name for Hyacinth Beans in Kannada. This is also known as the Val Bean, Wild Field Bean and Indian bean. Avarekai is available in Indian stores under the name ‘Surti Papdi Lilva’, usually in the frozen section.
These beans have a slight bitter taste compared to the other beans, but adds great flavor to the foods they are cooked with.
I made a simple coconut based curry with these beans. The curry is referred to as Koddel (Konkani) because this has garlic seasoning. My MIL makes this often and also adds chopped onions in the seasoning. The combination of onion, garlic and the cooked beans makes a great combination. Tastes well with Rice or Chapathis.
On a side note, if are you interested in reading about these beans and how Bangalore got its name, then check this link. It is very interesting story with a good write up by the author.
1 cup flat beans/Field Beans/Avarekai/Surthi Papdi Lilva (fresh/dried/frozen)
½ cup chopped onion
Mustard seeds
Curry leaves
3-4 garlic pods peeled and crushed
Oil (preferable coconut oil)
To make the coconut masala
3/4 cup shredded coconut
2 tsp coriander seeds
1 Tbsp tamarind paste
Turmeric a pinch
3-4 red chillies ( I use Byadgi Red Chillies)
- If using the dried beans variety, soak the beans in enough water overnight. (If using fresh or frozen skip this step).
- Next day pressure cook the beans until they are soft. Make sure they are not overcooked.
- Make the coconut masala, by grinding coconut along with red chillies, salt, tamarind, water and coriander seeds. The masala should be made into a very fine paste. Add more water if required.
- In the meanwhile heat up a thick bottomed pan. Add the coconut paste and the cooked beans together, boil until the raw smell of coconut is gone.
- Add more water if necessary. Check for taste and adjust the seasonings if required.
- Note: The Tadka/tempering is done after the coconut curry is boiled along with the coconut masala. Now separately make a tadka(seasoning) of oil, mustard seeds, curry leaves, chopped onions and crushed garlic.
- Add this to the boiled coconut curry and close the lid. Mix well before serving.

That is a lovely recipe Supriya. Last few days I have been going crazy looking for butter beans in grocery stores but never thought of going to the Indian store to get them. Next trip, vaal curry it is. 🙂
Beans in coconut gravy sounds new to me, looks very comforting. Nice gloomy click! 🙂
This is a new yet simple way of cooking those beans. I love the taste of garlic and coconut together. 🙂
Learnt the English term for the beans today. I wondered what it was because it is not black-eye or the pigeon pea. New recipe too. Thank you:)
mom mom makes something similar… and i love to eat it when someone else cooks it… helps that we never get the peeled ones in hyd… so i wait for my bangalore trips for this!!
I love avrekaalu but we dont get it here…. so i have brought tht janavro(seeds)…. Its more than a yr I ate tarne janavro 🙁 ……loved the dish 🙂
Aparna, now you have introduced a new word to me, I am not sure what Janavro is :-))
a healthy bowl if there ever was one 🙂
Have never tried this before…great to see this recipe.
Simple and yummy! would love to have this with rice..m craving for some now..
You know, I saw the name Koddel in a Telugu cookbook and couldn’t figure out what on earth it was. I wonder how that lady came up with that name for the dish. Yours looks groovy, and I have to go back to that book and see what it’s all about.
Hi Dear. I make this curry too, provided i get those beans.I have not seen them here in North India.
I have told my MIL to freeze them for me, so hopefully I will get my batch when I visit Blr next.
As you said this beans tastes bitter. So I don’t buy it often..but I can try your easy and tasty recipe. 🙂
Looks so good, RC! Made avarekalu akki rotti with it recently.
Wow that bean curry looks yumm. I don’tknow if i have ever had this bean.
I love the coconut based curries and surti papdi must have tasted great in the gravy!Great click!
Wow bean curry looks delicious..Looks great!
Hi RC!
Koddel is one of my favorite Konkani preps! Thanks for providing the English name for Avarekalu. I was hunting all sites topsy turvy for this name. Your Koddel looks yum!Garlic adds that special aroma 🙂
RC, love the looks of that curry. I searched high and low for the beans and finally found them at a store. I add a handful of the frozen kind to curries or even sambhar and they are a delight.
RC, at what point do you add the beans when cooking? after or before adding tadka to the coconut paste?
I have a packet of this surti lilva in my freezer…for god knows how long..now here is a perfect recipe to take care of them.
Thanks Lakshmi. The Tadka is added to this after the beans is cooked with coconut paste. I have modified the recipe instructions a bit now. But then the frozen beans just does not have the aroma and flavor of fresh or dried beans. Sigh!
I’ve never tried these beans before. Curry sounds delicious. Will look out for these in my next Indian grocery trip.
Wow interesting and nice recipe.. looks so good and i am drooling the color and texture of the curry is making me hungry… will try it out soon.
The curry looks so rich. another bean i never cooked, don’t know why. Garlic & coconut together almost sounds like a chutney & I am imagining that this will taste as delicious as one.
Just delicious. Love surti val and usually use it in oondhiyu– now I have another recipe to try!
Haven’t made koddel in ages! Thanks for reminding me. 🙂
Fabulous and awesome recipe dear:)
New to me….looks delectable….love the coconut masala ingredients used in it….
Adding tamarind should be great with coconut masala 🙂
Thank you all for the warm comments.
RC, I made this last weekend and came out delicious. Very simple to make too.
Thanks LAkshmi for trying this. So glad you liked it. Happy Diwali to you and your family.
Hi RC,
Take a look at this site. I feel someone has copied the content.
Thanks so much Lakshmi for finding this and letting me know. The recipe is indeed copied. It is one of those wasteful things we have to handle as bloggers. I will leave a comment there. But really appreciate you letting me know. Otherwise I would not have known this.