This is also my 50th post on this blog. I wanted to thank you all for the warmth and support, and that is what keeps me going and makes me want to write more and cook more.
It is really fun thinking, writing about myself and here is some random stuff about me:
- A strange coincidence: everyone in my family (except my husband) was born on the 10th (different years, of course). I was born on March 10th, my Dad September 10th, MIL and my toddler October 10th, my mom and brother November 10th.
- I can speak quite a few Indian languages apart from English. Kannada, Hindi, Marathi. I can also speak Konkani in the South Kanara accent like my in-laws and also the North Kanara accent like my parents. I also studied Sanskrit for 5 years in school and so I will credit myself with that language as well!
- I am a “cold blooded” person meaning I cannot tolerate cold for a longer period of time. The moment the temperature goes below 70 F, my hands, nose and feet start becoming cold pushing me to wear sweater and socks. In the office, I am the only person walking around with a sweater in 75F , when the rest of the people are warm and toasty.
- I love reading books, novels. I used to be a huge Agatha Christie, Perry Mason/ Earl Stanley Gardner fan in my High School and I have read and enjoyed at least 60 of his different cases.
- I have a sweet tooth, hence love anything sugary. I can literally indulge myself in any type of sweets or desserts anytime of the day.
- I am a quiet and a home-loving person. My idea of relaxation especially after work, long day is chilling out at home, trying out recipes, cooking, reading books, and watching TV.
- A typical Piscean, I love music, arts and crafts. I enjoy listening to soft rock, pop music from the 80’s and 90’s. A new hobby that I have picked up is making jewelry, earrings and necklaces.

very nice meme RC..i am a homebody too..but i do love doing grocery ;)..and also many people in my home also share same b’days together!!
Enjoyed read ur MeMe. I am cold blooded too. Its amazing how ur family shares the 10th. Very rare indeed. Ur hubby must be feeling either left out or super special.
wow, that was a fun read! perry mason!! read a lot of his books…my childhood book was always the nancy Drew and Archies comics:)
Good one RC..! Its mindboggling to know this ’10th’ syndrome! Wow…thats rare…:)
Loved your post today. Congratulations on your 50th post. I am SO cold blooded too, and my fav is to curl up at home and do homey things, including cooking and reading. I love food shopping, but it does take quite a bit to get me out of the house to do it.
Congrats on 50th post & nice MEME!!
nice meme and congrats for 50 th post
Nice to read your meme !! Congrats your 50th post
I have already posted my meme long time back .
Enjoyed reading your meme dear! 🙂 Congrats on your 50th post! right now I have to run to read your dates cookies ! The picture is sooooo tempting! 😀
It is amazing to have so many birthdays on 10th!!!
hey congrats on your 50th post, raise to many many more to come.
Hey me too i remember used to wrap up warm even in spring as i used to feel so cold where as evryone at work open the windows for fresh breeze!!!
Nice meme!!
Wow amazing so many of the family born on 10th
You do know lot of languages.
congrates!!and nice to know more about you.
Everybody has a birthday on 10th, that is something.
Congratulations on your 50th post!!! Looking fwd to many more delicious recipes…. And it was nice knowing a lil more about you!! And I also wanted to thank you for tagging me.. But I had been tagged earlier and have posted the random facts Meme about 2-3 months back! So, I guess i’ll skip this one…. I hope its ok 🙂
That’s really cool about the birthdays.. my daughter’s bday is on Oct 10th too! She is 2 now… 🙂
That’s a LOT of languages for sure… Nice meme RC!
Hi.. RC..
Neeu kannada davra,..
Nanu mangalore enda..
Nice to hear about u.. the fact of b’days on 10th in ur family.. Nice meme..
congrats for the 50th post…
That b’day thing is really strange….wierd or may be freaky would be the word for it.
waise and nice dish..i feel hunger pangs now….:D
and btw i just recoverd from jaundice..can u please tell me wat bachelors can do with the bare minimum…that is apart from eating bread …:D
Languages..well i’m a southie…born and brought up in northern India,
so i can follows , malyalam,tamil, Hindi of course, can understand bangla [years in primary school] , good bhojpuri[bihari], can speak decent punjabi[ Delhi influence], My current home being in maharashtra [can understand marathi], College years in M.P. so can speak Malwi and bundelkhandi,and Bhopali, and yeah by the way i learnt sanskrit too…
Current target languages include haryanvi[ Jat] and better Punjabi…and Garwali and a bit of spanish.
And no i’m not any linguistic expert.
thanx for the kool pics of recipies again…though i cant cook. its good to look at pics of wat i can tell mom to cook for me when i get back home after a couple of months…
Hey RC, your meme reads so much like my life…except the cold blooded one 🙂 My birthday falls a day after yours (March 11th)…
Hi RC,
Just read your meme.. I share birthday with your mom and bro.. Nov 10th 😉
I am like you.. speak the same languages.. except for marathi.. and love to hear to soft old melodies.. 🙂
Supriya.. I was just just browing thru’ this… I found it extremely funny.. well not exactly funny, I just do not have the word for it.. that all of ur bdays are on the 10th!!
I love soft rock, & I am like u, feel best at home, and just detest going out… esp. groceries…:-)My way of relaxing is alone with a book, a cuppa, with NO ONE around me.
RC, I was blog hopping and came across your site. And I Just happened to read your meme first. Your fact about being born and brought up in Bangalore, knowing Kannada and Hindi and learnt Sanskrit…thats all me too!! Now I am curious which school did you study in..very few schools in Bangalore have Sanskrit as 2/3rd language. I did my schooling in Kishore Kendra for few years.
i must say its a very nicely managed blog i,ve read yet as i,m a very person to blogging world…..i too have love for food so i liked ur blog …n ur writing is interesting and impressive…..