Food is such a sore subject while dealing with our 2.4 year old. First of all nothing seems to appeal him and then trying new foods is out of question. Two things happen when I take food to him one is the utterance of “Nooooooo” and then making a face and tilting of his head away from the food. I know, I know all you Moms out there are experiencing the same predicament and cannot wait for the kids to grow up. **Sigh**
Moving on to some cheery and brighter topic, here are some of our toddler’s anecdotes:
He would point in some direction and scream “Amma Daastoov”. We scratched our heads to understand what he was saying, Dear Husband even poured on to Russian Dictionary just to check, but no avail. Until one fine day a light bulb exploded in our heads and we figured that he was saying “Amma Let’s Go”!
Anytime he stumbles across his toy trucks while playing he says “Sorry, it’s OK”.
When he sneezes it is “Shimme (Excuse me), Bless You, Thank You , Welcome”.
He hates taking bath and cries every single day.
He is the self-proclaimed “Bub boy” (good boy). Any task or antic he does, he pats himself with a “Bub Boy”.
This is my contribution to the Kid’s Food Event hosted by the wonderful Vanamala of NalaPaka.
- 1/2 cup rice flour
- 1/2 cup fine sooji/semolina
- 1/4 cup wheat flour
- Salt
- ajwain seeds/ jeera (cumin seeds)
- Coriander leaves/ Dill leaves (chopped finely)
- Oil
- Mix all the above ingredients except oil thoroughly.
- Add water a make a batter. The batter should neither be thick nor runny.
- Keep aside for 5-10 minutes. The batter would have become thick by now.
- Add little more water at this time. Check for taste, add salt if necessary.
- Making Dosas: Heat a Dosa pan.
- Make mini-dosas instead of a big one by pouring spoonful of batter each time. Spread oil around it and cook on both sides.
- This way the toddlers can eat individual pieces by themselves and also enjoy looking at the shapes.

SO SWEEEET!! I remember Tushar pointing to the fridge and say “wulk”!! (milk ie!) When he was 4 1/2, he read “Home Depot” as “om depot” with a T in the end! Trisha was always into McDonald’s M sign, even when visiting Europe she would look for the sign and say there’s “M”, I wanna go!!:P
Yes, they are very fussy. But when they grow up, food is the least of their fussiness. Believe me you would wish they go back to infancy and shud up!! Hahaha!!
Great food, I would eat it too!:))
Wonderful Dosas! I bet my 3-yr old loves them too. With all those veggies it makes a healthy recipe too. Thanks for the idea. Nice entry.
Nice idea to get the lil ones to eat….my 2 yr old is super duper fussy too…Iam at my wits end trying to get her to eat.
love the snoopy! dosa recipe looks great, i’ve never tried them with dill.
Hey this big one would love to have few of them :-))
Nice to know about you little guys behaviour, my daughter is theother way she can take bath for hours, hard to get her out of the tub.
Kids love little dosas, we call them paisa(coin) dosa. I make mickey dosas for my little one.
Nice recipe and entry for the event RC.
Thanksfully my 2.4 year old the same age as urs, is not a fussy eater at all. He is not as vocal as ur little one, but shouts Bra everytime he sees one in the mall. Its pretty embarassing. but he tends to eat anything and every thing, so long as it is not very spicy. He is more the sabji roti dal chawal kind of a kid.
Sorry, meant to say that the dosas look so yummy, will try.
Dosas Look great. Try making the batter with curd/yogurt for a creameir tasting dosa.
Nice dish . love the picture. Kids would def love it.
Dosas look absolutely yum. I wanna participate too, so thinking of some good stuff to make for kiddies.
LOL on those anecdotes and also LOL to what Vimmi’s younger one says..Akash used to say guddha for Buddha..take the meaning in’s an offense 🙁 I had to practically shut his mouth in buddhist temples or else he would start… OMG.. But it was fun to see him learning things. I adored that age and I am sure you are enjoying it too…
Jeez Asha, you are one doting mother. You remember all those incidents that happened years ago!
thanks Uma. So glad you liked it.
Tell me about it Jayashree. I am in the same boat as you 🙂
Thanks Alpa. Dill leaves gives its own distinct flavor and aroma.
Thanks Happy Cook. You are always welcome.
Thanks Madhu. Paisa dosa is a nice term, thought I had not heard it before. Loved your idea od Mickey dosa.
ROFL Vimmi. Your little one had me in splits for a long time. Thanks for sharing it though 🙂
Thanks Pooja. Adding yogurt/cream seems like a good idea.
Thanks Shriya, glad you liked it.
Thanks Lakshmi. Do partiicpate in the event. Your kiddo is hilarious. They are one constant source of entertainment. 🙂
Getting kids to eat!! Its not easier when they grow up, either.
My daughter is eleven now and sometime its tough to get her eat “healthy” stuff. She likes exotic looking and sounding stuff so I have become an expert at presenting food differently!
You win some and lose some.
My daughter is a lot like your son.. it’s a big No.. just getting her to taste is a big chore. It was so cute to read all his antics… patting himself is sooo cute..
The dosas look good and that cute plate makes it irresistible (atleast for us, if not the kiddos) 🙂
wow awesome RC.. 🙂
even my son also says ‘gu buy’ for good boy and for dosa ‘dokee’
he love to take bath / water for hours
Thank you for participated
Oh forgot to tell u. The first time my son yelled Bra was when my husband had taken him to walmart alone (i was at home cooking). This guy pointed at them and shouted so loud. My husband felt so embarassed. I laughed so much just heariing it.
Sorry RC … i have sent 2 comments … the one is typing mistake delete it pls that is 16th one (1st one)
cute dosas RC kids will love them
Very well said Aparna and totally agree with you. Could not have said it better.
Laav, seems like they were born on the same day for a reason. They seem to have the same behavior 🙂
Vimmi, your little guy is cute and hilarious.
Sure Mala, i have deleted it!
Thanks Sagari.
Hi red chillies,
i know kids will love this and i remember my cousin tryng out her creativity to make her son eat smthng.. i liked the plate very much. thanks for sharing.
my 2 yr old son also love this. I also add some taste yummmmy..
that is cho chweet red chillies! Kids say the cutest and funniest things
🙂 The mini dosas look delicious – even for us!
Hey Check out my blog (My Kitchen World), I have a surprise for you 🙂
Have a good day .
Sooooo adorable! I love this idea! 🙂
Wonderful post. Nice entry. and I am really laughing hard to hear about all the kid talk.
Nice idea to attract kids RC. Very nice. Viji
Those are so adorable, and healthy too!! unless you are cooking something else for my event (wishful thinking, I know!!:)) do send these in for WBB-balanced Breakfasts RC! they so fit the theme:)