Shunti Tambli Recipe

Tambli/Tambuli or Tamboli as it is referred to in Konkani is a refreshing yogurt/buttermilk drink. It is usually had cold, preferably after a meal and forms good coolant, aids in digestion etc. This was a popular summer drink at my grandma’s place. Other substitutions for ginger could be garlic, kokum, spinach, gooseberry etc and it is prepared in a similar way. In this recipe, I have made the Tambli using Shunti (ginger in Kannada). The drink is usually had as is, but I prefer having it over warm rice. Nutrition and Benefits of ginger: Ginger is a good source of…

Mango Ice Cream Recipe

I had bookmarked this recipe Vegan Ice Cream: Coconut, Cherry & Almond by Soma long time ago and had been meaning to try it ever since.  The appealing factor for me (apart from those captivating pictures) was the usage of coconut milk instead of full fat milk, heavy cream for making the ice-cream. And not to mention the creamy and thick texture of the ice-cream giving it a feeling of regular ice-cream more than that of a Sorbet. Last week I had all ingredients on hand for making the ice-cream and decided to give it a try. I used her…

Raspberry Lemon Tea

As you might already noticed the first two pictures are quite different from the last one. I did take the earlier pictures when I had the energy and enthusiasm, but not so much with the last one though. Frankly it was not meant to be that way. Two weeks ago I had brought a big box of fresh and juicy raspberries with plans of using them in some baking experiments. But alas that was not meant to be, the baking escapade did not materialize. I fell sick for few days and did not have the energy to work, cook, bake…