Raw Banana Bhaji (Baalekaayi Palya)/ Curry

Raw banana has always been a favorite in my family. This is one of those easy yet flavorful dishes to prepare. Not many ingredients go into this, yet the outcome is very delectable. The only time consuming part here is the peeling of the skin as unlike the ripe banana where peeling is so straight forward, this requires some amount of work. I usually peel the skin, dice the banana in small cubes, put it in a microwavable container, add salt and then boil it. This makes the job so easy and it cooks in about 7-10 minutes. Ingredients: 1…

And he is…..

He is one of the most cheerful person I have ever met, one who never forgets to sing in the shower and always in control of his feelings.  A non-complainer, who can remain cheerful in spite of a terrible flight delay, leading to picking up his rental car at 12:30 AM, drive to an unknown hotel and still wake up the next day at 6:30 AM to attend a dreadful office meeting.  A strange person who does not have dreams in his sleep, yet dreams to be the most successful person on this earth.   He can think of 20 good…