I have always admired the writers who have the depth, flow and mastery over the language, writers who are able to convey their thoughts in an effective crisp manner through their writing, writers who are able to touch lives based on real life experiences, writers who can create a powerful impact based on their imagination, writers who can inspire, motivate and bring out the best in us etc.
Whenever I read something that is a new concept or something that propels me, moves me, I am in awe of the author not only for their thoughts, but also for the lucidity of their writing.
Powerful writing is an art by itself. It takes unique talent to collect thoughts and put them onto paper. It is one thing to think and convey an idea but to put that in writing and convey the meaning requires special skill and a whole new dimension in creativity.
I have always wanted to write as far as I can remember, more as a hobby than a profession. I feel it is creativity at its best and I love to keep my creative juices flowing. One thing I have realized is that ever since I have decided to write I am able to regulate my thinking and also streamline the thoughts about the topic that I have in mind. It is refreshing and also helps me forget the rough edges of the day. It is a very blissful experience as I am able to harness noise, de-clutter my brain of negative thoughts at least for a little while.
As with any project there are days when I am able to think in a clear way, connect my thoughts and put them into writing, but there are also days when I am not. I realize this is just a phase and it may pass. Yet, I hope that one day I will be able to collect my beads of thoughts and create my own symphony.

Well, you write very well ! Am very impressed 🙂
Hi there…I am new at ur blog via Manasi’s blog(accokbyheart). I found interesting in ur blog. I love ur writing in Reflections category. I am fond of reading and writing too…:) U have had wrote very gud. I also read ur people category. . I am impressed with ur thoughts and the way of writing. keep it up.
bye. tc.