Ridge Gourd, Capscium Bhajji (Crispy Fritters)

I know, I know. There are at least 478219 versions of these fritters available on the internet, blogosphere, food websites, forums etc each offering their own version of making them. Each narrating their story, memory behind the preparation and tips for making it crispier and tastier. So why do you add one more to the list and how do you know the exact count, you ask?Well, for one there is never a bad time to eat this. Come rain or shine, anytime is a good time for this. Eat it as is, with tea or coffee, with food, one can…

Spicy Cabbage Cake (Savory cake)

I think it was about 17 years ago when my Father brought home a brand new Bajaj Portable Oven. It was an amazing thing for us back then. It was round with shiny aluminum color, a glass covering in the center and extremely light weight. It reminded me of a strange UFO spaceship in many ways, shape and the look being the dominant characters.  My Mother would then collect interesting baking recipes for cakes, biscuits, cookies etc. We would then watch her prepare the dough, keep it in the oven and fascinatingly watch the biscuit/cake dough from the glass covering…

Bell Pepper Rice / Capsicum Rice

  Growing up in India, the only color of Bell Pepper that I had seen was green and was amazed by the plethora of colors available here in the US, red, orange, yellow all bright and vibrant colors. Even though it is very hard to choose, my personal favorite is the red color. Whenever cook with these, I make sure that they don’t loose their color. For this rice dish, I follow the same steps as “Chitranna” but also add Bell Pepper along with onion. . They not only add vibrant color, but they also add a good amount of…