Garden Vegetables-Navy Beans Vegan Soup

It is that time of the year again, when the cold front has set in. The cold makes me want to stay inside, bundle up in some warm clothes, pull up a rug and sip something warm from time to time. And when hunger strikes it makes you crave for something special that makes you feel good both inside and out. The first thing that comes to my mind is hot hearty SOUP with some warm crusty bread. Both me and my husband are great fans of soups and we have all the time in the restaurants, however I had…

Potato Pepper curry/Capscium Fry

Here’s raising toast to the much awaited and anticipated time of the week, the weekend. Ah! The sweet joy, relaxation and freedom associated with the weekend after a major grind parallels none. It all beings Friday evening after calling it quits at work, suddenly things seem casual and laidback and everything is freed from the clutches of time. The pressure, tension, routine is put to rest and it is the time of sweet indulgence. Come Saturday and everything seems relaxed and calm. Monday seems so distant in the horizon, that there is time even to graze and admire the vegetables.…

Easy Tomato Onion Side Dish (Gojju)

I usually enjoy the drive back home from work sans the traffic of course. That is the time when I am done with the major grind of the day; away from the noise, tension, pressure, people etc. That is the time when I am by myself in the closed environment, surrounded my soft music feeling cozy with just the right temperature, not too warm or too cold.  After falling into the everyday rhythm of driving and seeing the familiar surroundings, my thoughts about work fade away, the rough edges of the pressure, tension soothed by the music, my left brain…