Vegetable Cakes for Kids

Kids are fun to be with. It is a joy to see their innocence, sweet blabbering and their tiny working minds. They are unpretentious and just about everything seems to make them happy.  Oh wait, I forgot to add a golden “if” clause to the statement above, so let me rephrase it; they are joy and more only if they are well fed and not hungry. Otherwise their tantrums and outbursts are joy to none. But then here is the eternal conundrum; even though they are hungry, they don’t eat anything offered to them which is healthy. They come up…

Gulya Ambat (Steamed Besan Koftas in Coconut Curry)

  When Shri Subodh Mathur of DadiNani Foundation requested me to write a recipe for DadiNani cooking I agreed without hesitation. Call it a strange co-incidence, but that request came just a day before my maternal grandmother’s 4th year death anniversary. So I thought that this was a wonderful way to cherish her memory by sharing some of her recipes.    “Aaji” as we called her was an expert cook and her cooking skill was well known and appreciated among our families, friends and the neighborhood she grew up in.  She spared no expense in showering us grand kids with…

Crispy Masala Vada

This past Thanks Giving weekend we got a much needed break of 4 days from the usual grind. With the temperatures continually dropping down it was a welcome break of not having to wake up during the wee hours of morning. We did not have any plans of going out of town, so we pretty much stayed at home and relaxed. (Click on the picture to see enarged view) One of those days, we also took up the arduous task of cleaning up the closet, sorting out old papers, putting some things to recycle and throwing away of junk things.…