It is sometimes wonderful what a small change to routine can do isn’t it? This is in regards to our regular weekend grocery. We have been living in this area for a long time now and along with many things we are so used to our regular old super market. We do grocery there every weekend that we have developed familiarity and to great extent complacency. But then familiarity also breeds contempt?
Anyway few weeks ago a new grocery opened in our area and we were planning to visit it ever since. We got the chance today and we were not disappointed. The grocery claims itself as a Farmer’s Market and has that old fashioned appeal to it. It is not a huge super market but has that Farmer’s Market charm to it. Aroma of freshly baked breads and brewed coffee greeted us when we entered and that I think made a huge difference in our shopping experience.
We found some fresh berries, fruits, vegetables all at affordable prices and we did make loot of it. They had wide variety of fruits juices some of which we had never heard before. But they being organic were quite expensive. The best treat of all were the items from the bulk bins; we got some spicy peanuts, roasted peas, dried mangoes, vegetable chips, sesame sticks etc all treats for the following week to come by J
Being so used to our regular grocery and its placement, I forgot to pick up few things for our weekly use, but then I am not complaining. A small change made a big difference J
Sending in the first picture to a photo event Click:Stacks, hosted by Jai and Bee of Jugalbandi.

WOW!!Stunning Shots!!…All the best for the event!!
Love all the 3!! 🙂
Never knew Spicy Chilly had been one of to inspire the amazing RedChillies!!
I’m sooper proud!! 🙂
Lovely berries and wonderful shots
Great shot! Thanks for your comment…I will surely send in my entry to Click-Stacks too.
10 cherries cost us 9 dollars here 🙁 Sigh…
Beautiful snaps! 🙂
Nice one:) Our cherries don’t look this good though they do taste sweet.
lovely click RC
Nice pictures there, RC!
Oh just feel like sitting & finishing all those at one go:-)i have got so lazy & just feel like living on fruits & berries & not cooking at all. looks delicious:-)
Lovely pics. Great entry for the event.
Lucky you for having a farmers mkt close by.
Mine has not opened yet.
wow!! nice clicks! good luck 🙂
What a lovely pic, the colors are so beautiful!
RC …clicks are nice and refreshing..perfect for the event
Lovely clicks RC.. thanks for your message on my blog. am doing fine RC.just took a loooong break:)
Those berries look so lovely, bursting with freshness.
Its cherry season here as well.
Lovely pictures ! I have been wanting to check out my local farmers market for the longest time now, you post motivates me to do it soon !
I love to go to the farmers market too but ours is not a locally grown one. That would have been better but still I love the one that we have nearby. Also cheaper & more variety than the regular super markets, especially for fruits.
I love all your shots
Are yo talking about Sprouts FM. We have one in our area and we love it. 🙂