(Freshly brewed Black tea)
As you have already guessed there is no much of a recipe today, just wanted to flash the Ice Tea pictures that I had taken, acknowledge the awards and share a bit about myself.
I would like to thank Nithya, Indrani, Jaya, Bergamot, Pavitra, Ammu,Priya for thinking of me and passing this award to me. I really appreciate it, girls you made my day!
Secretly I have been pleased that so many bloggers have thought of me. But I did not anticipate that writing about myself would be such a tough thing. It has been about 10 days now and I am still fiddling to say 7 things about myself. 7 things that are generic, frank and yet appealing. Wish I had something interesting to say, but they seem so mundane.
- I enjoy cooking, experimenting and trying out new recipes. Even after a long day at work, I find it decompressing to come back home and cook for my family.
- While it comes to food, I am not fussy, pretty much eat everything and there are very few things I dislike, (vegetarian, of course). However no matter how much I try I cannot get myself to like Paneer, Tofu and Mushrooms.
- I have a phobia of dogs, cats etc. I had an incident with a dog when I was very young and ever since I avoid them and stay clear from them.
- I hardly cry while watching movies. (OK, I admit I avoid watching tragic, melodramatic movies) The only exception to this is the movie Masoom. I can watch this a hundred times, yet have a bucketful of tears.
- I am a morning person; I can wake up pretty early feeling charged and refreshed.
- I am not fond of jewellery, the exception to this however are earrings. I am a sucker when it comes to pretty earrings.
- I am a private person and even with closest friends I find it difficult to share any secrets. On the other hand, I am very close to my family and share every single thought, happening, fear etc. Once I start they do not hear the end of it, good or bad J
(Brewed Black Tea with Ice, POM juice and hint of Apple juice)
1) What is your current obsession? Food Photography and Blogging.
2) What are you wearing today? Capri and Tee
3) What’s for dinner? Vegetable Pulao
4) What’s the last thing you bought? A bunch of Tees from JCPenny
5) What are you listening to right now? “If you leave” by OMD.
6) What do you think about the person who tagged you? Lovely and Talented
7) If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? Anywhere as long as Iam with my family.
8) What are your must-have pieces for summer? Sunscreen lotion, cotton clothes, sunglasses
9) If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? Bangalore
10) Which language do you want to learn? Spanish
11) Who do you want to meet right now? My parents
12) What is your favorite color? Lavender and Pink
13) What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own closet? Black and red striped Tee
14) What is your dream job? Food Stylist
15) What’s your favorite magazine? Reader’s Digest, The Economist
16) If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on? Tripod, camera lens
18) Who are your style icons? Too many to name
19) Describe your personal style? Casual and comfortable
20) What are your favorite movies? Masoom, Taare zameen par, DDLJ, Shawshank Redemption, Pretty Woman, Usual Suspects, God Father
21) What inspires you? Reading about people who succeed against all odds.
22) Give us three styling tips that always work for you? Cleanse, Moisturize, Sleep
23) Coffee or tea? Tea
24) What do you do when you are low or terribly depressed? Listen to Music, Cry and Eat!
25) What is the meaning of your name? Beloved
26) Which other blogs you love visiting? Way too many to name
27) Favorite Dessert/Sweet? Jahangir(Indian dessert), Badusha, Besan Laddoo
28) Favorite Season? Fall
29) Who inspired to start a blog? I was impressed seeing other blogs
31) Most important tip for a successful career? Persistence, pragmatism
32) What is your favorite cuisine? Indian
Here is yet another tough part and that is passing this award to 7-10 more bloggers. I have thought about this, but could not select just 10 bloggers. There are so many deserving and talented bloggers out there, doing great job. So I have decided to pass it to everyone here.

Oh so good to know so much about the person behind a lovely blog…Congratulations:)
Loved to know more about you,S.I too am a tea person and share some similarities with you,but I am not a morning person I always dream of becoming a food stylist,but alas,I know i am not.Love the brew,never ever tried making iced tea at home
Loved reading about you Supriya.. I love all the movies you have written. don’t know how many times i have seen masson & pretty woman & can d.o it any time.
aha..I had one of those aha moments when I read about you:) Coz, i got to know you better.
Nice looking ice tea! Congragulations for the award!
I am not a tea drinker RC but that pot of tea looks gorgeous.
Hi RC,
Thanks a mill for your comment. Much appreciated, I am Konkani, so nice to see your dishes, takes me back to my good old days in Goa & Mangalore. Sighh!!
Thanks once again. I am newbee blogger and your words of encouragement means a lot to me.
Good to know the person behind Red Chillies.
I have a phobia of dogs, cats too. I too had an incident with a dog when I was young and ever since avoid them. I was all the while thinking I was strange, atleast to my husband and daughter.
Nice to read about you Supriya. Like you, I am also family person and more attached with family than friends…can share everything with them. 🙂
Hey Supriya,
Great to know a little bit about you.. cool pics !!
Where did you get such a cool glass / mug ???
Take care
Its lovely to know more about your RC…thanks for sharing and you deserve all those awards and mentions…:)
Very nice picture supriya..
nice to know about you..i am more or less like you. :-)except that i like paneer and cry on seeing even cartoons.:-( nice of you to share the awards with everyone..
Hi! It’s nice to read so much about you, And I totally agree, it’s really difficult to write about oneself.I had a tough time doing the same.
Congratulations for the award ..
Such a refreshing drink RC!!!glad to know more about u and congrats on ur award!
I really was drooling into the Ice tea Mug… I must say when i saw ur blog i felt y this lady has so much time to cook so many things even after getting back from work…..I must say u r a gr8 blogger nd probably the one most of the bloggers love to visit bcoz one thing wht i have seen here in RC is Easy nd handy recipes….methods rnt so difficult nd wht not ne ways I love ur Blog nd wishh to c u always at my kitchen too… I wud be obliged 🙂
Congratulations on your awards! Was a good meme! Love that ice tea, though m not a big fan of ice tea that mug looks so inviting!
It is 95 deg F + here and that iced tea is looking mighty tempting to me.:-D
I’m like you on no.7.
Just the other day I was telling my husband that he had to watch Masoom. It was one of my fav movies growing up and I’ve seen it many times. This is one movie that tugs at my heartstrings every time I watch it. 🙁
Nice to know you a little bit more Supriya. I am in awe of you coming home exhausted from work and then cooking to wind down. I have working friends who tell me since I stay home I have enough time to write a blog and take my son out to soccer games. Next time I am pointing them to your blog.
You would be a great food stylist. Love your pic compositions. 🙂
always nice to hear a little bit more about a fellow blogger and friend. Love the pic too!
Congrats on the award, enjoyed reading your meme and getting to know more about you ! Masoom is one of my fave movies too and has me tearing up even when I see it now…the iced tea looks lovely perfect for the 100 deg weather we are facing now 🙂
Congrats RC!Great Meme!We have some common favs in Movies:D..Lovely and refreshing Tea!I used to be addicted to teas once upon a time but I don’t drink coffees or teas any more:)
Want to grab the Ice Tea Jar, its simply irresistible…
Congrats for the well deserved award….
It was good to know more about u…..even I share the same phobia of Dogs and cats like u….
Congrats… nice meme and thanks for passing it on 🙂
Great reading abt you. And tea looks refreshing!
Nice meme:). I identified with someof the things there:). Hey, the tea sounds too good!
Thanks Lata for the sweet words. I appreciate it.
Thanks Sweatha, so glad to know that we share certain similarities. No matter how hard I try I cannot wake up in the night for a long time. Food Stylist, now that is just a dream. No harm in that right? The ice tea helps here for the hot summers.
Thanks Soma. Same here, I can watch those movies over and over again.
Thanks Keerthana.i like the way you phrase the word Aha moments.Found it kind of tough to tell about myself, but then glad I did it :-))
Thanks ISG. The scorching summer here can turn anyone into a ice-tea addict :-))
Thanks Ashwini and a dear Aamchi. So glad to have found you. One can never have enough of Konkani recipes can they? I sure will visit you more often!
Thanks Cilantro. Aha, what can I say, my husband finds it strange too and tris his best to expose our son to dogs, cats in case he turns out like me. Sigh!! Now I cannot write that part can I :-))
Thanks Sonu. Glad I have company in that matter. In my case currently DH is the target and is forced to hear my chattering non-stop.
Thanks Mala. The glass is an old one and I think we got it from Garden Ridge.
Thanks Srivalli for all the kind and warm words.
Thanks Priya. Crying on seeing cartoons? now that I had to laugh :-)) You are a sweet person and you like paneer. Now if you come home I will know what to make :-))
Thanks Pari.Hmmmm…I know tough to write when you know that hundred’s will be reading. You want to have it positve yet be truthful.
Thanks Jyothi.
Thanks Priya. i have to thank the bloggers who passed it onto me.
Enjoyed reading about you. You have an award waiting for you here http://pakashale.blogspot.com/2009/08/besan-ladoo-to-celebrate-blog.html
Wishing u a Happy Ganesh Chathurthi to u too.
Thanks Aparna.You are a sweetheart and you made my day, not to mention the weekend. i would definitely visit your kitchen and drool 🙂
Thanks Parita. In our house the DH is fond of ice-tea and I am kind of picking it up.
Thanks TBC. I am glad that I am not alone in terms of my nature. Masoom, is such an appealing movie isn’t it?
Thanks a bunch Jaya. You are a sweetheart. Well, frankly the reason for cooking is I get a chance to move around and flex my muscles. imagine I sit at my desk for 9 hours a day and that just helps me take my mind off work. for now blogging is a passion. Let us see how far it goes.
Thanks Mandira. I feel the ame way too, love to know and hear about fellow bloggers.
Hey supriya congrats for the award & now I know you better … I also cry (bucketful )when I watch tragic movies ,so normally avoid them … & regarding Icetea its my favourite ….Loved the picture too , its simply great …
Hi RC…
I was looking for a banana walnut cake recipe (as I’ve got overripe bananas and freshly procured walnuts from a recent trip to Srinagar @ home) and came accross your blog (dunno how?!). Seems that we have a lot in common except that I love mushrooms and paneer is fine. I am a food freak too and love cooking and taking pictures of what I make… my friends love my pasta, sambhar and of course Ice tea.. Try making it with star anise or cinnamon!
If that iced tea was made by you….Can you post the recipe as welll….
I tried at home but it always turns out bitter…
Lavi, the tea was prepared by DH. Be default, brewing black tea and sipping it will be bitter, wedon’t let the tea bag sit in hot water for long time. Along with it we add some natural sweetners like POM juice or Apple juice to take out the bitterness. Hope this helps.