It hardly takes any time for our kiddo’s taste to change from “yummy, that’s my favorite” to “yucky! I don’t like this”. And I am not talking about weeks or months, but in matter of hours and days. Used to be that Veggie Dosa triangles were his favorite, but not anymore; they have become too ‘spicy’ for him now. Same thing happened with strawberries, few days ago, he declared his undying love for them and said that they were his favorite among fruits.
So when we went to Costco, we brought a 4 lb of fresh, beautiful and luscious strawberries. (Ok, I admit we got carried away and went overboard by buying that large bag). Not surprisingly a day later, he declared that he does not like strawberry anymore and that raspberries are his favorite. Of course, we do not take his whims and fancies seriously and make sure that he eats his share of fruits and vegetables.
This time around however, finishing 4 lbs of strawberries was way too much for me. Many of the strawberries were getting to be a borderline case and I did not wish to toss them away. I thought of a good way to use it and that is when I remembered making Fruit Pops using them. My mom used to make it for us when we were kids and we used to refer to them as lollies (They are referred to as freezer pops here in the US). She used to put fruit juices in them and freeze them. Me and my kid brother used to have a gala time enjoying those pops.
Luckily my parents had sent a good amount of those freezer bags to me from Bangalore and I found a good opportunity to use them all. All that is required to do here, is to make fruit juice/ puree, transfer them into individual bags, seal them and then freeze them. Simple!
Notes: This is one recipe that has the shortest list of ingredients and the procedure could not be simpler. All that is required is to make fruit puree with sugar in it. The only special item you need are the lolly bags/covers.
- Substitute strawberry puree with any other fruit of choice like watermelon/cantaloupe/berries/lemon etc.
- Adjust the sugar as per taste and preference.
- Use fruit juices like orange juice, lemonade, pineapple juice etc.
- This is a good one to carry for picnics, road trips (in an ice-pack, of course) especially during summer.
- These bags were sent to me from Bangalore by my parents. I am not sure where they are available in the US.
Update: These bags are available in Bangalore at the following stores: (we do not have any affiliation to these stores)
1. Victory Essence Mart No. 3, Nalband Lane, A. S. Char Street Cross( Continuation of B.V.K. Iyengar Road) , Bengaluru, Karnataka – 560 053 (India)Phone +(91)-(80)-41225464 / 22873872 Mobile +(91)-9844456974
2. General Food Additives, No.175/3, Opp SBI ATM, 1st Mn Rd, Seshadripuram, Bangalore – 560020 Phone +(91)-(80)-23367878, 23367874, 23360517
- Strawberries
- Sugar
- water
Also needed:
- Small plastic funnel/ sippy cup
- Freezer pops bags/ Lolly bags/covers
Directions (making puree):
- Wash the strawberries and let them dry.
- Chop the strawberries into small pieces and put it in a bowl.
- Sprinkle sugar over it and mix it well so that the sugar coats on it. Keep aside for 30 minutes, tossing in between.
- Put this fruit in a blender and puree it until there are no fruit lumps.
- Add some water to this and blend again.
Directions (assembling):
- If using the funnel, place the tip of the funnel in the lolly bag and pour the fruit puree into it.
- If using the sippy cup, pour the fruit puree into it and then squeeze this puree into the lolly bgs.
- Fill it is ¾ of the way and place them vertically in a glass cup. Continue this process until the fruit puree is completed.
Directions (sealing):
- An easy way to seal the other end of the lolly bag is to tie a rubber band.
- Another way to seal it is to use a candle and seal the top end of the bag. Please be careful and watchful of kids if using this method.
- For the later, have a candle ready, fixed in an upright position. Fold the top of the lolly bag about 0.5 inch and hold both end of the edges with your thumb and index finger.
- Run this lightly through the candle flame. You will hear a light melting sound and that is it.
- Place the sealed bag in a freezer container and let it stand upright. Continue with the remaining bags.
- Place it in a freezer for about 4-5 hours.
Serving: Take it out and keep it aside for 5-10 minutes before serving as it tends to be very cold.

Oh, how cute does that look! I was curious to see how you bagged it… nice idea.
Reminds me school days.. u know I was searching for this kind of covers few months back in US.. as u said i did not find any though 🙁 . This is really healthy one and apt for the season too… perfect pictures as always.
I used to love these cuties when I was a kid… tempting clicks !!
just awesome…i am sure my kid is gona love it…
Loved the idea. I usually put them into popsicle molds but they are so huge. I wish I can get these bags here. I am going to look for them now. and thanks for adding the event to the event list.
Nice tempting pics !!
My mom used to make mango pops, we used to call them “ice fruit”. sometimes she used to put them in ice cube trays and put a popsicle stick in it n then freeze it.
U brought back memories of those summers …….!!
Kids delight. Absolutely.
DD2 has been behind me to make popsicles. I wish I had bought that huge bag of strawberries I saw the other day.
I thought its just my lil one whose preferences change period to period.Same here she is in to the strawaberry phase now transitioned from Blackberries.This weekend I stocked up with 2 boxes of fresh strawberries.
Anyway cool idea .BTW from where you got those tiny cute bags?
Thanks Maya. These bags were sent by my parents from Bangalore, they are available in some stores there.
These look so cute and inviting ! Great idea RC !
Regarding your question on using flax seeds/ flax meal in cooking I have never come across any information that suggests that flax seeds should not be cooked, I did come across some that specifically say we cannot heat flax oil.
This article seems to suggest that using flax in bakes and such is okay, giving the link here
Thanks a bunch for the information Usha.
Those lolly bags looks cool! Even I would love to have them!
My daughter is going to love this, looks tempting. I am going to try them with mango puree.
These treats are for adults too right? We all eat these frozen berry purees thru’ summer, but i have never frozen them in these professional looking lolli bags.
S sounds just like DD2. head over heels one day and running away from it the other. I picked like 6 boxes of strawberries ! Kroger had it for 99 cents lb. can u believe it? I froze about 3 boxes.
wow it looks so cool …i would love this to make for my daughter … she would love to have this …… by the way where did u got hese bags ????
Thanks Kalyani. Kids will love these. My parents sent me those from Bangalore. Not sure if they are available in the Us or not.
Hey I remembered my school days….we used to run out after school to Pinto Uncles chop (until 6th then his shop got closed) Nd then to Majella store … Nd long fot those lollies…. It was 50ps then… Even now I long for those lollies nd candy… I remember me doing these lollies during vacations… we had lozza lolly plastics at home… Thank U for getting the memories bac… I know this is a bit big comment but Do bear with my comment :D…..
But my bad luck is tht i cant eat ice creams for 2-3 weeks 🙁
awww we call these sip ups, something mothers used to stop their kids from having cuz what we got had sugar, water and food colour. this is so much nicer 🙂
wooow,,,looks perfect dear good idea doing this sips at home itself,,
I read blogs on a similar topic, but i never visited your blog. I added it to favorites and i’ll be your constant reader.
nice.. we used to call this pepsi during our growing uo years
These tall pops looks simply cute and sweet! Thanks for sharing the recipe. I used to make Rasna ice candies when I was a kid. I am sure they were tasty.
Nice idea. My kiddo will love this. Do you know if we can get those lolly bags in US?
Thanks. Not sure, if these are available in the US, we got them from Bangalore.
Cute pics and lovely idea…it’s really simple to doand kids always love them..SUpriya, can you add my event to FOOD WORLD event list
Spotlight : Summer food & Drinks
Thanks and send me some lovely entries
what a cute idea! id love to get my hands on those bags!
great idea, i would love to try it but can i get these bags in Mumbai never seen them here before….
I have added you in my links..
Thanks Mahek, I appreciate it.
Thank you all very much for the warm words. It is a treat for kids and ‘big’ kids alike.
long before pepsi was a fizzy drink, these lollies were sold outside schools and were called “pepsi” i used to love them…seeing them here made memories come flooding back…where did you get the bags in bangalore??
Arundati, did not know they were called “pepsi”. I will get the information from my parents about the availability in Bangalore and let you know.
Reminds me of my childhood days soooooooooooooooooooo cute.