It is anniversary time here at RedChillies. It has been 3 years since I started RedChillies and 2 years since FoodWorld. Now, I am not the type of person who is big on celebrating birthdays or anniversaries, the quieter the better, but then this one is different and wanted to share it with you all. This one is different as I owe it to you all and so wanted to take this opportunity to thank you, dear Readers for supporting me in this.
You have taken the time to visit my blog, leave comments and put in words of encouragement on my little space and thank you for that! I read each and every one of your comment and I treasure them all. I would also like to extend my heart felt thanks to my husband, family and friends for the great support.
The past 3 years has been a filling and an enriching journey. I am happy to say that this blogging has become my hobby and passion, a big part of my life. Blogging is not only a platform for sharing recipes and ideas, but also a good way of learning things be it recipes, technology, photography etc. I am still an amateur cook, photographer and writer and I have a long way to go. It is a learning experience and I hope to learn in the process and do better as I go along.
Regarding FoodWorld, currently there are 375+ members in the bloglist and I want to thank each and every member for being a part of FoodWorld. Thank you for your patience and I am glad that it is a way of bringing our small food community together. Lately I have not been prompt in processing your requests, sorry about that and hope to catch up soon. If you have any suggestions please do not hesitate to share them.
On another note, the wonderful folks at CSN Stores have contacted me again and requested me to do a product review from one of their online stores.
If you have not already visited CSN Stores then I strongly recommend doing so. They have about 200 online stores and over 1 Million products! I spent hours browsing through their site without realizing it. Need some cookware collection or children’s furniture they have it and that too with plenty of options to choose from. Or maybe you are looking for bedding options? They have it all Twin Beds, Canopy Beds, Platform Beds etc! Do check them out.
With all the wonderful stuff and mind boggling choices it is hard for me to decide what to review 🙂 Anyway, I am optimistic that I will find something that I like and review it soon. Once again thank you all and hope you have a wonderful day ahead.

Happy Blog Anniversary RC. Wishing you many more.. Happy Blogging.. Looking forward for the review.
RC, Congratulations! It is a pleasure to visit this space and thanks to you for the wonderful work you do with Food World.
Congratulations for the blog anniversary! Enjoy!
Congratulations RC
Thanks for the setting up this blog and allowing us to see what other bloggers do. Congrats on the anniversary.
Congratulations to RC!! You are doing a great job here Supriya!! The pics are to die for and the details are well written and captured. Keep going…
Supriya,Congratulations to Red chillies on anniversary. I like your writeup and photos, which always tempt me to try that dishes. Keep rocking.. Looking forward to more recipes and write up with personnel touch.
Dear Supriya, Happy Blogganniversary!! It’s very good of you to present the FoodWorld to all food bloggers!! Keep it up gal. 🙂
Happy Blog-Anniversary RC!
Congrats and wish you many more anniversaries to come!!
Congragulations , years seems to fly isin’t it. Wishing you and he blog many more happy years together.
Heartiest Congrats..Great going
Congratulations! I enjoy your photos and your recipes – made the veg kurma I commented on a few days back. And thanks for Food World!
Hi Supriya, Congrats and Happy Blog anniversary…. always eager to see more posts by you….and thanks for taking time out to visit spicebuds, I’m doing fine just trying to keep DD busy during her summer break….
Congratulations on your blog(s)iversary.
Happy bloggy b’day RC! You are doing a wonderful job here and with Foodworld too! 🙂
Congratulations on the milestone and thank you so much for the Food World!
Congrats RC..keep rocking and wishing you more and more beautiful days in this blogsphere…
Thank you all for the warm wishes.
Congratulations on the 3rd anniversary of RC, Supriya. You are right to make this a big celebration. Blogs like yours are rare and FoodWorld is an invaluable service you provide to bloggers.
If that is not enough, your recipes and quality of the photos is the best out there. Keep blogging and cooking and clicking.
I am happy to know you and look forward to many more years of knowing you.
Congratulations! you are such an inspiration. I didn’t know about Food World. I have submitted a request for my Blog.
Keep up the good work.
Congrats Supriya .. reading yr blog is always a pleasure
RC, you are the best!
Love you,
Happy Anniversary Supriya. I haven’t been keeping up with commenting at all these days. Many more to come… always look forward to the traditional recipes which are so unique to me.
Congrats on 3 Supriya. Here’s wishing your blog a 100. Your blog is a pleasure to visit and a treasure to keep.
Congratulations Supriya, wishing you many more years! know I have enjoyed Redchilies and FoodWorld immensely! stop for food blog world!..thank you!
Happy Anniversary dear…..
Congratulations and wishes for many more to come!!! Food World is such a boon for us wanting to look at only the recipes we would like to and finding out new blogs! thanks
Congrats! Its a pleasure to be connected with you. Best wishes, take caer.
Congrats Supriya.You deserve a big celebration.Thanks for setting up the world world for us to share our recipes!Best wishes – PJ
Happy Blog anniversary to you. May you have many more. CSN is wonderful!
Happy blog anniversary!
Have a nice day!
Congrats on your third blogversary dear S, wishing you many, many more. It’s been a real pleasure to have known you 🙂
Happy 3rd Anniversary RC! Wish you many more ahead!
Congrats on your fine achievement!!
Thank you all very much for the warm wishes.
Hi Supriya, Happy blog anniversary. Best wishes for many more celebrations.
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Happy Blog anniversary for 2011 ! Genuinely good,and informative.