Easy Tomato Onion Side Dish (Gojju)

I usually enjoy the drive back home from work sans the traffic of course. That is the time when I am done with the major grind of the day; away from the noise, tension, pressure, people etc. That is the time when I am by myself in the closed environment, surrounded my soft music feeling cozy with just the right temperature, not too warm or too cold.  After falling into the everyday rhythm of driving and seeing the familiar surroundings, my thoughts about work fade away, the rough edges of the pressure, tension soothed by the music, my left brain…

Raw Mango Tokku (Mavinakayi Thokku)

 It is amazing what hunger can inspire a person to do. My husband who is an ardent and a savvy cook usually refrains from the day to day cooking proclaiming lack of time. However he can whip up delicious dishes when deemed in dire situations aka extreme hunger coupled with lack of appetizing food to satisfy his taste buds.  This weekend again, hunger met his match and that prompted him to raid the fridge. He finally settled for a lone hunk of a raw mango sitting in a corner and immediately proclaimed to make his Mango Garlic tokku. Needless to…