Raw Mango, Squash in Green Chilli Coconut Curry (Mirsang Ambat)

Typical Konkani cuisine involves lots of coconut in everyday cooking. It is not uncommon to see 2 coconuts being used the same day even for regular cooking. Thick chutney for morning breakfast of idli/dosa, coconut based curry for afternoon lunch, along with lavish sprinkle of shredded coconut on salads (kosambaris), side dish and dry curry (playa). Suffice to day coconuts are exhausted in no time. Of course, I also have to mention that this is for a regular family of 5-8 people. But now with so much talk going on about the content of its saturated fat, I have seen…

Gulya Ambat (Steamed Besan Koftas in Coconut Curry)

  When Shri Subodh Mathur of DadiNani Foundation requested me to write a recipe for DadiNani cooking I agreed without hesitation. Call it a strange co-incidence, but that request came just a day before my maternal grandmother’s 4th year death anniversary. So I thought that this was a wonderful way to cherish her memory by sharing some of her recipes.    “Aaji” as we called her was an expert cook and her cooking skill was well known and appreciated among our families, friends and the neighborhood she grew up in.  She spared no expense in showering us grand kids with…

Pumpkin Coconut Curry (Dudhi Ghashi)

 Last week, we had a visit to the local Pumpkin Patch. Dear Son’s school had a trip there and we had a fun time with the other kids and the parents. The weather was good and the kids had a great time playing, exploring, and running around while the adults had a good change from the usual grind. While returning back we got to carry some pumpkins back home.      I am a huge fan of pumpkins and could not wait to try out different things with that. I am not good at carving or baking so the next best thing…