Mango Curry/ Ambya Sasam

When life gives you crate of mangoes, what do you do? Well, for starters you eat them as fast as you can and with whatever is remaining you make either Mango Jam, Mango Shrikhand, Mango Milkshake or this quick and easy Mango Curry :-).  Fresh, juicy and luscious mangoes are making their appearance in the groceries here. One look at the mangoes and it appeared as if they were calling our names and pleading us to take them with themJ. So we wasted no time in buying a crate of these and we have been relishing them ever since.  Even…

Kaarate Kismuri/ BitterGourd Onion Coconut Mix

Kismuri (Konkani word) is a side dish that is made of a mix of coconut, onion, chilli powder along with roasted ingredients like bittergourd, pappad etc.  Karate is Konkani word for Bitter gourd and hence the name Kaarate Kismuri. No, not the martial arts Karate, I promise you there is no such thing involved in this  recipe:-) (Note: In Konkani, this is pronounced “Kaa ra the” with a soft ‘t’)  This is a very simple recipe, yet the taste is very appetizing. The only tough part is chopping of the bitter gourd finely and then frying it. Traditionally the bittergorud…

Easy Lobia Curry Recipe

What better way to get over the hump day that to announce a prelude to a giveaway? While working on this post, I was contacted by the team from CSN Stores to see if I was interested in doing a giveaway at my blog and boy was I thrilled that I agreed to do it right away. If you have not already visited CSN Stores then I strongly recommend doing so. They have about 200 online stores and over 1 Million products! It took me hours going through their website. Need some cookware collection or children’s furniture they have it…