Non-food: Rush Hour Mornings, Traffic jams and Murphy’s Law

You know Murphy’s Law “Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way” (Source:Wiki). Now this adage fits the Rush hour mornings and Traffic jams like a glove. It is the same old story of traffic jam, but a new twist is thrown in every morning to keep things from getting dull and boring.   Who says that only PMS and in-laws can set you in a bad mood?  Monday: The coveted weekend is over and you are in a grouchy mood already. It does not help that you have a…

Random Facts Meme and 50th post

This is also my 50th post on this blog. I wanted to thank you all for the warmth and support, and that is what keeps me going and makes me want to write more and cook  more. It is really fun thinking, writing about myself and here is some random stuff about me: A strange coincidence: everyone in my family (except my husband) was born on the 10th (different years, of course). I was born on March 10th, my Dad September 10th, MIL and my toddler October 10th, my mom and brother November 10th. I can speak quite a few…

You know your husband is obsessed with tea when ….

He has at least 17 different varieties of tea, green tea, rice tea, jasmine tea, rose tea, mango tea etc 8 books on tea, 2 videos, countless print outs on the benefits of tea, tea maker, innumerable tea cups, glasses, 5 tea strainers, tea bags all this and more! But did I mention NO black tea? He returns back from his business trip to Toronto one late Thursday evening and after a while goes to empty his suitcase. You hear sounds of paper shuffling, stuff taken out, re-arranging etc. You get curious and take a peek; you see two paper…