Errr…..people, people before you jump to any conclusion, it is just the shutter bug that I am referring to, not any other type of bug! You know, that interest and enthusiasm for amateur photography, right? That is the bug I am referring to 🙂
Well this ‘bug’ bite is not something new as we (DH and I) have been taking pictures for a long time now. When we are not cooking, cleaning, arguing, or driving each other nuts (ahem), then you can find us taking pictures. We take pictures of anything that catches our fancy; food, nature, people, architecture but mainly food as taking pictures on this blog drove us to explore and experiment and catch the ‘bug’.
Of course, we are still amateurs, learning and we have a long long long way to go. The camera has now become our good friend and we don’t go out anywhere without it.
Did I mention that you can find us on flickr? So pour some tea/coffee/mango juice, make yourself comfortable and join us won’t you? We would appreciate if you can leave us some feedback; suggestions, comments, how to improve etc and promise no ‘bugs’ will bite you there 🙂
RedChillies on Flickr

You do have some lovely pictures there. Great work!
Marvellous pictures..
It was about time you put a flickre photo stream up. It is so good to see your progression from before to now. The pictures look great!
I do have one suggestion. On some of the food pictures whose recipes are featured on your blog, add the link to them. Because the new readers can like a photo and click on a link instead of having to search for it here. What do you think?
Thanks all.
Jaya, thanks.I agree with your suggestion and that is what we have in mind, which is to add the link and also some tags. It is still a work in progress 🙂
it is truly fun and an enjoyment isn’t it
lovely pictures
I had a peek into ur flickr gallery and I should say Awesome work!! Way to go RC, waiting to see more of ur exploration, u r truely an inspiration 🙂
Sharmi, thanks and goodness. You are way too kind and sweet. Coming from you it means a lot to me 🙂
This looks yummy….you have a lovely blog…I am having a giveaway in my blog..Y dont you check and join that
I’m happy to find on Flickr too! This bug is very nice and will give you all nice result. I’m seeing that your pics are getting better as days goes! Go…go girl.. 🙂
Sonia, you are a sweetheart and a motivator. Thanks and hugs to you 🙂
I agree.I used to go to trips with frinds and click everything on the way.Later on i used to do some photoshop on photos and used to amaze friends.
Thanks for the pics.Looks nice.