Eggless Whole Wheat Banana Muffins

  The weather here in our neck of woods for the past 3-4 days has just been gorgeous.  The temperature currently is in the 60’s and it gets even better this week. This is in stark contrast to the gloomy and bone chilling cold weather we had for the past few weeks, making this a happy and welcome change. Frankly, it is difficult for anybody to stay indoors during such an inviting weather.  I am sure on any other day we would have come up with an excuse to be outside and enjoy the bonus weather. But not yesterday. Why?…

Vegetable Noodles (err.. Spaghetti)

So the other day, me and the kiddo had been invited to a dear friend’s place for dinner. In spite of so many different things going on with her, a full time job, a 3 year old kid and another way on the way, she took the time and effort to make these delicious and whole noodles along with some baked potato fries. When the food was offered to the dear 4 year old he did not even want to touch the noodles and instead preferred to finish off the fries. No amount of glaring, clearing of the throat from me…

Masala Idlis

While talking to MIL last week, I was telling her how DS is not fond of Idlis. The 4 year old will eat dosas but somehow has not developed fondness for Idlis. Now if you are anything like our family who take their Idlis seriously this statement can be quite a shocker. If the extended family back home hears this, then I am pretty sure everyone will offer suggestions to bring the ‘rebel’ back onto the Idli track. ? Until he can come with his own theories for dislike, my theory is that since he does not like chutney, the…